100 Days in Croatia - Week 6 - Distances and Attachments

Published on:
July 27, 2023
Iva Sladic Keco

Hey there, friends!

Time is flying by and Croatia's scorching summer is in full swing. Amidst the sizzling heat, we faced some wild storms that disrupted our family vacation plans. Nevertheless, we soldier on with our work on the houses and embarking on some long drives. In the last week cumulatively our family crossed around 2500 km in car and bus.

On Sunday I had a nostalgic trip to my hometown RIjeka. As the third-largest city in the country, Rijeka's bustling port has long been a vital hub for trade and commerce in the region. Its rich history is evident through the architecture, with influences from various civilizations, including Roman, Byzantine, and Austro-Hungarian periods. Although I couldn't linger there long this summer, the view of the waterfront promenade, known as the "Riva," and a drive through the city brought a sense of peace. It's just one of the many places in Croatia I'm fortunate to call home.

Rijeka Riva
Last week car rides

After one night at my sisters place, refreshing swim and joyful morning our adventure continued as we journeyed to northern Italy. From the picturesque Jesolo, where our dear friends found their beachfront haven, to exploring the beauty of Padova, the refreshing waters of Lago di Garda in Sirmione, and arriving to Venice for one night we were having a blast.

5 km Jesolo beach
Best Pizza in Padova
Sirmione on Lago di Garda
Venice shipyard ettrance

However, our joyous trip took an unexpected turn when news reached us about the storm's damage back home in Kutina. With my husband's sense of duty, we decided to cut our holiday short and return to help with repairs. The journey back was long and filled with anxious expectation and a bit of sadness. After nine hours drive, we arrived to the sad sight of many houses without roofs, broken trees and debris covered roads. Luckily our family was safe, repairs were already underway, and we learned that our return was not necessary.

Ah, attachments. They guide us but also hold us back. Attachments to our sense of obligation or ideas how things need to turn out in our limited time while visiting parents and homeland can be very difficult to manage. There is a lot of pressure to satisfy expectations, ours and other's, spoken and unspoken, conscious and subconscious.

Anyway, Venice will happen another time. After we learned parents are safe we continued our plan and drove back to Rijeka to meet with friends. Again feast, plenty of love, joy, good stories, and one late night later we continued back south to Skradin and our little red house.

Attachments again, my idea of completing this house clashed with the reality of work still to be done. Frustration brewed, especially when the hired handyman didn't deliver up to par. Again we rolled our sleeves and got to work fixing things.

Amidst the challenges and frustration, we're carving out time for rest and relaxation. We spend our mornings tackling housework, and in the afternoons, we seek solace in the pristine waters of the Krka river and the Adriatic Sea.

Stay tuned for more adventures as we navigate the unpredictable tides of life. Accept and roll with the chaos. Only change constant is.



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