100 Days In Croatia - Week 3 - Order and Abundance

Published on:
July 4, 2023
Iva Sladic Keco

The much-anticipated arrival of our new beds brought a wave of excitement and relief. The biggest room in our house had been occupied by ancient beds, relics from a bygone era. Alongside them, a jumble of miscellaneous items—a tangle of cables and water pipes, random bits of metal, a collection of tools, and even a relic of the television world from decades past. Clearing out this mishmash of the past was no simple task.

As usually with clearing, it meant facing an avalanche of questions: "Is this still valuable?" "Can we sell it?" "Why did we hold onto this in the first place?" and that legendary one thought “We might use it one day”.

With the blessing of true owners I tackled the clear out. While it certainly wasn't a Marie Kondo-inspired process, the joy that washed over me as the room transformed from a chaotic storage space into a cozy sanctuary was immeasurable. I've always been a firm believer that creating order in our surroundings has a profound impact on our well-being. The sight of clutter drains me, while the serenity of a clear space revitalizes.

Now, let's dive into the adventures of the third week in Croatia—a land known for its mix of awe-inspiring beauty and peculiar eccentricities. To capture the essence of it all, my sister shared a side-splitting video that perfectly encapsulates this unique blend. Paul Bradbury, expert on Croatia says that it is "absurdistan with the best lifestyle in Europe and a sprinkle of Balkan insanity. It's a place where things somehow function, but there's always that one bewildering element that defies all logic.”

As I navigate through administrative hurdles and tangle with the occasional head-scratching conundrum, progress is being made on registering additional services for my father-in-law's family farm. Soon, we'll be opening up our doors to visitors, offering you the opportunity to stay in a charming house, sip on exquisite Keco’s wines, savor the flavors of fresh produce plucked from the garden, and bask in the tranquility of the surrounding forest and amazing view. The anticipation is palpable, and we're pouring our hearts and souls into making this dream a reality.

Now, let's talk about abundance—or more accurately, my ongoing struggle to fully embrace it. Returning to Croatia never fails to remind me of the deeply ingrained scarcity mindset that permeates the culture. It's a mindset that was passed down through generations, teaching us that life is a constant struggle and that only the fortunate few manage to secure their piece of the pie, well, in this way or another.

The breathtaking natural beauty and the abundance of resources on one side , and the slowness of our systems and the pervasive gap between the political elite and the everyday workers is so ironical. Croatia is undeniably abundant, but the scarcity mindset prevails, breeding competition, inequality, frustration, and pain.

Nonetheless, during my time here, I am committed to practicing abundance. I find grounding in the simplest of gifts—plucking fresh vegetables from the garden, nurtured by my parents-in-law's green thumbs, taking off shoes and sink my toes into the soft of the grass or the coolness of the soil... there is boundless energy everywhere.

Abundance is mindful practice, an active celebration of growth and worthiness. It's about releasing any guilt or insensitivity that may arise when witnessing the struggles of others, while fully embracing and appreciating the wealth that life has given us. We have worked diligently to be where we are today, but it is essential to remain grateful and responsible custodians of our abundance.

Yes, there are moments of weariness, where heavy conversations and challenging circumstances threaten to overshadow all the good given and achieved. Strength is in the connections we share. It is in these moments of togetherness, where love and presence intertwine, that the true essence of abundance lies for all of us.

And for the finale, dear friends, I raise a glasses to the grandest highlight of last week—a reunion of our family, marked by our third barbecue extravaganza. Our older child proudly graduated from primary school, arriving on the scene as a confident preteen. Watch out world she is ready to take you on.

Until next week, my dear readers, may your lives overflow with abundance and may you always find joy in the simplest of blessings.

Yours abundantly,


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