100 Days in Croatia - Week 10 & 11 - Swim and Fruit

Published on:
August 30, 2023
Iva Sladic Keco

Greetings friends! Time is in a whirlwind, and these past two weeks have been a bit quieter. I've been soaking up the Dalmatian vibes with my mom, embracing visits from friends, adding the finishing touches to doorframes, picking fruits, and preparing few farewells.

Week 10 sprang to life with a burst of excitement—friends dropped by for a visit. But an unexpected twist unfolded as a stomach virus decided to gatecrash the party, leading to an extended stay. Amidst the humorous tales of frequent bathroom dashes and improvised quarantine zones, we found ourselves bonding even more. The younger crew took turns battling the bug, while us adults found solace in extra hangout time.

As the friends bid their farewells, I decided to get back on track with a semblance of routine. Mornings got a makeover with serene walks, a dash of exercise, focused work sessions, and refreshing longer swims. Routines, those architects of sanity, had my back amidst the chaos of life's shuffle.

But the spotlight was on my mom. Our daily swim wasn't just a fitness routine it was attempt for change and deep connection. The water became therapist to my unsettled spirit and the weight of her pain. There's an impatient tyrant within me, nudging her to adjust habits, mindset, and set new routines. I'm on a mission because I firmly believe that we are the architects of our bodies and the creators of our own path. However, I reckon we don't always share this understanding, leading to our inevitable clashes. But in the grand scheme of things, we navigate those differences with tolerance and love. In a nutshell, she is indeed awe-inspiring because she's still in the ring, fighting. Every step, every movement demands a silent strength, and she's conquering it to her best ability.

Speaking of strength, the absence of my kids and husband for two weeks hit me like a ton of bricks. Oh, how I missed their pressence. But I console myself with the knowledge that they're thriving. Our elder one, on another side of the world, tackled high school with surprising ease, while the younger is lapping up the grandparent pampering and soccer triumphs.

Winning first tournament with Moslavina
First day of Secondary school

Mornings were the highlight of these two weeks. The sunrises, painting the sky in vibrant hues, remind me that beauty sneaks up on us everyday and soothes the weight and the pain. And those breakfasts from the trees, blessed with figs, blackberries, and almonds fresh from the trees, are the little moments that grounded me.

Sunrise behind Mountain Dinara
Morning walks with Shepards

Week 11 sauntered in, offering a chance to tie up loose ends. The stubborn doorframes, long-term projects, finally surrendered to completion. The little red house, a canvas of dreams and energy, is now waiting for its next chapter. With the car loaded and our trusty dog impatiently waiting, the road back to Rijeka beckoned. But before my hometown embrace, we took a detour to honor the memories of a recently, unexpectedly, departed cousins. Farewells were whispered, tears shed and we were back on the road. Long drives can be a slog, especially for mom, but we navigated it without too much trouble.

Doors done!
Mom is a winner!

The next day, in the company of a dear friend, I continued my journey, reaching Kutina for a joyous reunion with my kid. His happiness was palpable. The bond transcends distance. With him by my side, we returned to Rijeka, ready for what the week ahead would bring. The long drives, 1000km in 4 days were topped up with quick shopping trip to Palmanova, Italy.

Now a week of rain and steep drop in temperature awaits. I hope to rest from driving, reconnect with hometown, friends, and start refocusing on work.

Until next week friends. Stay warm and dry.

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